The Bad God ‘Loki’ has captured the imagination of a generation of young readers aged 7 – 11 years. The stories are accompanied with lots of doodle-style illustrations that will appeal to children who like reading Tom Gates and Diary of a Wimpy Kid-style of book. Unlike those stories, that have a purely contemporary setting, the Loki stories add a historical element and information about the Norse Gods – arguably offering a semi-educational element that teacher’s may approve of too!
This is the second book in the series by Louie Stowell, published by Walker Books. You can read our Kid’s Book Review of the first title here Loki – The Bad God’s Guide to Being Good
In this book Odin has given Loki another chance to prove himself worthy of Asgard by keeping Earth safe from the threat of Frost Giants. But eleven-year-old Loki has more important things to worry about: Parents Evening. After a series of 1-star reviews from his teachers, Loki is jealous of the glowing adoration bestowed upon Thor and swears vengeance. So when Thor has a birthday party and his favourite hammer, Mjolnir, goes missing, everyone suspects Loki. To clear his name, Loki must find Thor’s hammer and find out who the real thief is…